1. Become A Member Of EVERY Company!
This part is common sense, but also the most important aspect in becoming successful online with paid surveys. The research panels that you become a member of, then the more chances you will have of receiving paid surveys. Each company has its own surveys and each company needs a different type of individual at different times. If you are a house mom, and you are NOT a member of every company, then you may be missing out when one of these companies needs to survey a house mom! The same concept goes whether you are a student or retired or anything else! Join as many companies as possible.
2. Always Give Real And Accurate Information!
Firstly, make sure you give these companies your special email address used only for surveys. This way you will NEVER miss an opportunity. Next, make sure that you give them only your real and accurate information when you sign up or take surveys. They are going to use this information to choose what surveys are right for you in the future... and if you give them false information how are they going to know if a survey is right for you or not?
3. Respond To Opportunities Promptly!
Always be sure to take your surveys as soon as possible. If you can, complete the survey as soon as it lands in your inbox. This is good for 3 reasons! Firstly, the quicker you respond to your surveys, the more you can receive, and the more money you can make. Secondly, when you are prompt to respond to your surveys the companies will know that you're a good survey taker and they will want to send you more! Thirdly, the more surveys you take, the more information these companies can gather about you, and therefore they can send you more appropriate surveys.
4. Check Your Inbox Regularly!
Always be checking your email inbox and logging into the research panels as often as possible. Some of these surveys may only be available for a day or 2. This means you've got to complete that survey as soon as you see that it is available. Also, if you don't complete your surveys regularly, your inbox may pile up with more and more surveys and this can be unmotivating when you become overwhelmed.